Vladis Real Estate Agency: Negative Experience and Disappointment

Choosing a real estate agency is a key step for a successful housing deal. In Moscow, there are many agencies offering their services, and it is important to find a truly reliable partner. Unfortunately, our experience with the Vladis Real Estate Agency was extremely disappointing. We want to share our story to warn others about potential problems.

High Expectations and Promises

Vladis Agency is represented by eight modern offices in different parts of Moscow. They promise to use advanced sales technologies and insure clients against all risks. The agency’s extensive partner network was supposed to save us time and ensure the most beneficial cooperation. On paper, everything looked great.

Delayed Deadlines

However, reality turned out to be different. The deal process was significantly delayed despite the pre-agreed deadlines. This caused many inconveniences and delays, which greatly affected our plans and expectations. The agency failed to meet its promises regarding the timelines.

Realtor Recommendations

The realtor we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs at all. It seemed that the agency’s main goal was to make more money rather than satisfy the client. We felt deceived and unheard.

Legal Errors and Delays

One of the most serious problems was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, leading to significant legal issues. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, which increased costs and delays.

Lack of Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that our needs and preferences went unnoticed. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result, we spent a significant amount of time and money working with Vladis. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work.

For Potential Clients

Our experience with Vladis Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing issues.

Tips to Avoid Similar Situations

Check the Agency’s Reputation: Research reviews and ratings of the agency before starting cooperation with them.
Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all deadlines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.
Monitor the Documents: Check all the documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.
Demand Feedback: The agency should be in touch and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame.

We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

+7(495) 109-77-77
Moscow, Veskovsky lane, 3

Experience with MIEL Real Estate Agency in Moscow

The Importance of Choosing a Reliable Real Estate Agency

When choosing a real estate agency in Moscow, it is crucial to find a reliable and professional partner. Unfortunately, our experience with the MIEL Real Estate Agency was disappointing and filled with problems. We want to share our story to warn others about potential mistakes and inconveniences.

Beginning of the Process

MIEL Real Estate Agency offered us several attractive property options, assuring us that they had been thoroughly checked and had no hidden issues. We were confident that the deal would proceed smoothly and without any problems, especially since all deadlines were agreed upon in advance.

Prolonged Deal Process

However, the reality turned out to be different. The deal process was significantly prolonged despite the pre-established deadlines. This caused many inconveniences and delays, which greatly affected our plans and expectations.

Inappropriate Realtor Recommendations

The realtor we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs at all. It seemed that the main goal was to make more money rather than satisfy the client. We felt deceived.

Legal Issues and Incorrectly Prepared Documents

One of the most serious problems was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, leading to significant legal issues. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, which increased costs and delays.

Lack of Attention and Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that our needs and preferences went unnoticed. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result, we spent a significant amount of time and money working with MIEL. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work.

Warning for Potential Clients

Our experience with MIEL Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing issues.

Tips to Avoid Similar Situations

Check the Agency’s Reputation: Research reviews and ratings of the agency before starting cooperation with them.
Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all deadlines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.
Monitor the Documents: Check all the documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.
Demand Feedback: The agency should be in touch and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame.

We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

7 (495) 777-33-77
Moscow, Karmanitsky lane, 10

Warning about Samolet Real Estate Agency: A Dissatisfied Client’s Story

Choosing a Real Estate Agency

Choosing a real estate agency is a key step for a successful housing deal. In Moscow and throughout Russia, there are many agencies offering their services, and it is important to find a truly reliable partner. Unfortunately, our experience with the Samolet Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We want to share our story to warn other potential clients.

High Expectations and Initial Problems

Samolet Real Estate Agency is one of the largest federal corporations in the proptech and development sector. They offer a variety of services, including development, the apartment solutions service “Samolet Plus,” property management, and fintech. At first glance, everything looked promising. We chose several property options that, according to them, had no hidden issues.

Delayed Deadlines: Missed Commitments

However, in practice, everything turned out differently. The process of closing the deal was greatly delayed, even though the deadlines were agreed upon in advance. The agency did not meet the deadlines, which caused many inconveniences. We found ourselves in a situation where each step had to be waited for weeks.

High Commissions and Mismatched Needs

The realtor we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs at all. It seemed that the main goal was to make more money rather than satisfy the client. We felt deceived.

Document Handling

One of the most serious problems was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, leading to significant legal issues. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, which increased costs and delays.

Lack of Attention and Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that our needs and preferences went unnoticed. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result, we spent a significant amount of time and money working with Samolet. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work.

Warning for Potential Clients

Our experience with Samolet Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing issues.

Tips to Avoid Similar Situations

Check the Agency’s Reputation: Research reviews and ratings of the agency before starting a cooperation with them.
Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all deadlines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.
Monitor the Documents: Check all the documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.
Demand Feedback: The agency should be in touch and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame.

We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

+7 495 126-16-38

Etagi Real Estate Agency in Moscow — Our Negative Experience

Why It’s Important to Choose a Real Estate Agency Carefully

Choosing a real estate agency in Moscow is a critical decision that determines the success of your deal. Unfortunately, our experience with Etagi Real Estate Agency was far from positive. We want to share our story to warn others about potential issues.

First Impressions: Promises and Expectations

Etagi Real Estate Agency offered us several property options, which they claimed were thoroughly checked and had no hidden issues. At first glance, everything looked promising: professional consultations, promises of support at all stages of the transaction, and a quick deal closure.

Delays: Missed Deadlines

However, the reality was quite different. The process of closing the deal was significantly delayed despite the agreed-upon deadlines. This caused many inconveniences and delays, disrupting our plans and expectations. The agency failed to meet its promises regarding timelines, and each stage of the deal took weeks to complete.

Mismatched Needs: High Commissions and Unsuitable Options

The realtor we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that the agency’s main goal was to maximize profit rather than satisfy the client. We felt deceived and unheard.

Legal Problems: Document Errors

One of the most serious issues was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, leading to significant legal problems. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, which increased costs and delays.

Lack of Attention and Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that our needs and preferences were ignored. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves, causing additional stress and inconvenience.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result of working with Etagi, we lost a significant amount of time and money. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work and cannot recommend their services to anyone.

For Potential Clients

Our experience with Etagi Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing needs.

Tips to Avoid Similar Situations

  • Check the Agency’s Reputation: Research reviews and ratings of the agency before starting cooperation with them.
  • Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all deadlines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.
  • Monitor the Documents: Check all documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.
  • Demand Feedback: The agency should be in touch and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame.

    We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

+7 495 120-00-05
Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 56, floor 10

Beware of INKOM Real Estate Agency: A Real Story of Unsatisfactory Service

Why It’s Important to Choose the Right Real Estate Agency

Choosing a real estate agency is an important step, especially in a big city like Moscow. The agency should provide quality services, from selecting housing to handling paperwork. Unfortunately, our experience with the INKOM Real Estate Agency was extremely negative, and we want to share our story to warn others.

The Beginning: High Expectations and First Problems

At first, everything looked promising. INKOM Real Estate Agency offered us several good housing options, claiming they were thoroughly checked and had no hidden issues. We were confident that the deal would go smoothly, especially since all deadlines were discussed in advance.

Realtor Recommendations: Dishonesty and High Commissions

However, in practice, everything turned out differently. The realtor we worked with started recommending properties with high commissions that didn’t meet our needs at all. It seemed that the client’s interests were not important to them; their main goal was to make more money.

Document Handling: Legal Issues and Mistakes

The next unpleasant surprise was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, causing numerous problems at all stages of the transaction. We found ourselves entangled in legal disputes that could have been easily avoided with proper attention from the agency.

Lack of Attention and Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became evident that our needs and preferences went unnoticed. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result, we spent a significant amount of time and money working with INKOM Real Estate Agency. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints.

Warning for Potential Clients

Our experience with INKOM Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing issues.

+7 (495) 363-10-10
Moscow, st. Shcherbakovskaya, 3

Negative experience with real estate agency AWAY REALTY

AWAY REALTY positions itself as a trusted advisor in the world of international real estate and investment. The company offers luxurious apartments and flats, magnificent houses and seaside villas, historic townhouses and mansions, chic chalets and castles, modern penthouses, as well as promising commercial properties and land plots in seven popular European countries: Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, and Switzerland.

Additional services provided by AWAY REALTY

The company offers a variety of additional services, including business projects for investors in Europe, support at all stages of the transaction, post-sale property management, selection of educational institutions for clients’ children, multi-family office for asset management, and finding contractors for construction or renovation of properties abroad.

Beginning of cooperation

We approached AWAY REALTY to select several real estate options abroad. From the very beginning, we were promised that all properties would be thoroughly checked and fully meet our requirements. However, the reality turned out to be far from rosy.

Prolonged transaction process

The transaction process was significantly delayed despite pre-agreed deadlines. Each step took longer than promised, causing us considerable anxiety. We expected prompt work and quick completion of the deal, but our expectations were not met.

Incorrect documentation

One of the most serious problems was the incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal issues that required additional time and money to resolve. We expected that a company specializing in real estate would ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents, but this was not the case.

High commissions and unsuitable properties

The agent we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that the main goal of the agent was to maximize profit rather than satisfy our requests. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Insufficient attention to the client

AWAY REALTY showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was almost non-existent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction but faced complete disregard for our questions and requests.

Refusal to correct mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct its mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and money but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

Overall disappointment with AWAY REALTY

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the real estate agency AWAY REALTY and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service was at an extremely low level. If you plan to seek their help in purchasing real estate, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences.

Unfulfilled expectations

Our experience with AWAY REALTY showed that the company does not live up to the stated expectations and does not provide an adequate level of service. We spent a lot of time and money solving problems that should have been handled by the agency. In the end, we were left with disappointment and dissatisfaction.

AWAY REALTY failed to provide quality service and broke their promises at every stage of cooperation. We strongly recommend potential clients to be cautious and thoroughly check all offers and services before approaching this agency.

+7 495 258-88-66
st. Derbenevskaya, 11, Moscow

Unfortunate Experience with Red Feniks Real Estate Agency in Moscow

Red Feniks Real Estate Agency positions itself as an international company with offices in Montenegro, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Turkey, UAE, Cyprus, and Northern Cyprus. The company’s Moscow office is located at Bolshaya Lubyanka, 13. Red Feniks offers a wide range of services, including consulting, commercial and residential real estate sales, organization of property viewing trips, and full legal support for transactions.

Promises of Red Feniks

The company claims to provide detailed and objective information on each property, assist in organizing trips for property viewings, and guarantee individual attention and complete confidentiality. Such promises may seem attractive to those looking for a reliable partner for purchasing real estate abroad.

Beginning of cooperation

We approached Red Feniks to select several real estate options abroad, confident that the company would fulfill its promises and provide quality service. Initially, the agency demonstrated a high level of professionalism, offering various properties and providing consultations on all our questions.

Prolonged transaction process

Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be far from the promises. The transaction process was significantly delayed despite pre-agreed deadlines. Time passed, and no solution was found, causing us serious concern. We expected prompt work and quick responses to our requests, but this did not happen.

Incorrect documentation

Another serious problem was the incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal issues that required additional time and funds to resolve. We expected that a company positioning itself as a professional in the real estate field would ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents.

High commissions and unsuitable properties

The agent we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that their main goal was to maximize profit rather than satisfy the client’s needs. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Insufficient attention and lack of feedback

Red Feniks showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was almost non-existent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction but faced complete disregard for our questions and requests.

Refusal to correct mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct its mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and funds but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the Red Feniks real estate agency and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service was at an extremely low level. If you plan to seek their help in purchasing real estate, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences. Do not fall for their tricks and carefully check all the services provided.

+7 495 625-06-75
Bolshaya Lubyanka st. 13/16 bld. 1

Unsuccessful Experience with Just Prime Homes Real Estate Agency in Moscow

Just Prime Homes positions itself as a leading real estate agency with offices in Moscow and Dubai, as well as employees in Turkey, Cyprus, and Northern Cyprus. The company offers a wide range of services for property sales worldwide and real estate investments. Their services include property selection, legal services for property registration, residence permits, and citizenship, as well as investment strategy calculations.

Promises of Just Prime Homes

The company promises property selection without pitfalls and offers comprehensive services for its clients. We turned to Just Prime Homes with confidence in their professionalism and reliability, expecting quality service and satisfaction of our needs.

Beginning of Cooperation with Just Prime Homes

We started cooperating with Just Prime Homes with the goal of selecting several good property options abroad. From the very beginning, we were promised that all properties would be thoroughly checked and fully meet our requirements. However, reality was far from expectations.

Delayed Transaction Process

The process of concluding a deal with Just Prime Homes was significantly delayed despite the previously agreed deadlines. Every step took longer than we were promised, causing us significant concern. We expected prompt work and a quick deal completion, but our expectations were not met.

Incorrect Documentation

One of the most serious problems was incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal issues, requiring additional time and money to resolve. We expected the agency specialists to ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents, but this was not the case.

High Commissions and Unsuitable Properties

The agent we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that the agent’s main goal was to get the maximum profit rather than satisfying our requests. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Lack of Attention to the Client

Just Prime Homes showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was almost non-existent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction, but faced complete ignorance of our questions and requests.

Refusal to Correct Mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct their mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and money but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

Overall Disappointment with Just Prime Homes

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the Just Prime Homes real estate agency and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service – at an extremely low level. If you plan to seek their help in buying property, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences.

Unjustified Expectations

Our experience with Just Prime Homes showed that the company does not meet stated expectations and does not provide an appropriate level of service. We spent a lot of time and money solving problems that should have been resolved by the agency. In the end, we were left with disappointment and dissatisfaction.

Just Prime Homes failed to provide quality service and broke their promises at every stage of cooperation. We strongly recommend potential clients to be cautious and thoroughly check all offers and services before turning to this agency.

+7 495 291-08-72
Moscow, Kutuzovsky prospect, 36с3

Real estate agency Vip Realty Club: Bad experience

Vip Realty Club positions itself as a team of Russian-speaking experts working in 18 countries worldwide and representing the largest developers. The agency collaborates with more than 2,500 agents who offer personalized property selection in countries such as Germany, Grenada (passport program), Spain, Italy, and France. They claim that investing in new buildings with them comes without markups and commissions, and they also offer interest-free installments for up to 84 months, post-sale support, and full transaction support both online and offline.

Services of Vip Realty Club

Vip Realty Club provides services for organizing individual and group tours to the country where the property is located and has representatives in Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Northern Cyprus, and Kazakhstan. They offer strategies and solutions for payment transfers, resale of properties, and property selection based on the client’s current needs.

Beginning of Cooperation with Vip Realty Club

We contacted Vip Realty Club with the aim of selecting several property options abroad. From the very beginning, we were promised that all properties would be thoroughly checked and fully meet our requirements. However, reality was far from expectations.

Delayed Transaction Process

The process of concluding a deal with Vip Realty Club was significantly delayed despite the previously agreed deadlines. Every step took longer than we were promised, causing us significant concern. We expected prompt work and quick deal completion, but our expectations were not met.

Incorrect Documentation

One of the most serious problems was incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal issues, requiring additional time and money to resolve. We expected the agency specialists to ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents, but this was not the case.

High Commissions and Unsuitable Properties

The agent we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that the agent’s main goal was to get the maximum profit rather than satisfying our requests. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Lack of Attention to the Client

Vip Realty Club showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was almost non-existent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction, but faced complete ignorance of our questions and requests.

Refusal to Correct Mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct their mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and money but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

Overall Disappointment with Vip Realty Club

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the Vip Realty Club real estate agency and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service was extremely low. If you plan to seek their help in buying property, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences.

Unjustified Expectations

Our experience with Vip Realty Club showed that the company does not meet stated expectations and does not provide an appropriate level of service. We spent a lot of time and money solving problems that should have been resolved by the agency. In the end, we were left with disappointment and dissatisfaction.

Vip Realty Club failed to provide quality service and broke their promises at every stage of cooperation. We strongly recommend potential clients to be cautious and thoroughly check all offers and services before turning to this agency.

Moscow, Entuziastov sh., 24/43, apt. 34

Bad experience with the real estate agency “INDOM” in Moscow

“INDOM” positions itself as a company with professionals who have extensive experience in the field of international real estate. They offer a wide range of properties for sale, including apartments, townhouses, cottages, villas, land plots, islands, hotels, cafes, restaurants, income-generating buildings, industrial, office, and retail premises, as well as various investment projects and businesses.

Services Offered by “INDOM”

“INDOM” provides services for the search, selection, and sale of residential and commercial real estate, investment projects, and businesses. The company also helps in selecting construction companies for building projects for clients, consults on the purchase of real estate abroad, offers legal support at all stages of the transaction, and provides consultations on immigration and residence permits. Additionally, they organize business tours for property viewings and consultations directly in the country.

Beginning of Cooperation with “INDOM”

We contacted the agency “INDOM” to select several property options abroad. From the very beginning, we were promised that all properties would be thoroughly checked and fully meet our requirements. However, the reality was far from such a rosy picture.

Delayed Transaction Process

The process of concluding a deal was significantly delayed despite the previously agreed deadlines. Every step took longer than we were promised, causing us significant concern. We expected prompt work and quick deal completion, but our expectations were not met.

Incorrect Documentation

One of the most serious problems was incorrect documentation. This caused significant legal issues, requiring additional time and money to resolve. We expected the agency specialists to ensure the correct and timely preparation of all necessary documents, but this was not the case.

High Commissions and Unsuitable Properties

The agent we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that the agent’s main goal was to get the maximum profit rather than satisfying our requests. This led to even greater disappointment with the agency.

Lack of Attention to the Client

“INDOM” showed insufficient attention to our needs. Feedback was almost non-existent, and the agents were not sufficiently involved in the transaction process. We expected a professional approach and constant interaction but faced complete ignorance of our questions and requests.

Refusal to Correct Mistakes

After all these problems, the agency refused to correct their mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. We spent a lot of time and money but did not receive quality service. This was the last straw, after which our trust in the agency was completely lost.

Overall Disappointment with “INDOM”

We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the “INDOM” real estate agency and cannot recommend it to others. Their promises turned out to be empty words, and the service was extremely low. If you plan to seek their help in buying property, be prepared for possible problems and inconveniences.

Unjustified Expectations

Our experience with “INDOM” showed that the company does not meet stated expectations and does not provide an appropriate level of service. We spent a lot of time and money solving problems that should have been resolved by the agency. In the end, we were left with disappointment and dissatisfaction.

“INDOM” failed to provide quality service and broke their promises at every stage of cooperation. We strongly recommend potential clients to be cautious and thoroughly check all offers and services before turning to this agency.

+7 (905) 760-81-82
Moscow, Tverskaya st., building 22A, office 41