Issues with Cleaning Company “Kolibri”: Real Customer Reviews

“Kolibri” positions itself as a professional and responsible provider of cleaning services, offering a wide range of services for both private and corporate clients. However, behind the glossy advertising promises lie numerous problems and shortcomings that clients encounter. Below, we examine the main issues that often arise when working with “Kolibri.”

Low Cleaning Quality

Despite the claimed high level of professionalism, clients often complain about the quality of cleaning. The mechanized cleaning that the company actively promotes often proves to be ineffective. Dust and dirt remain in hard-to-reach places, furniture is poorly cleaned, and floors remain dirty. Clients expect much better results for the money they pay.

Ineffective Eco-friendly Products

The company claims to use environmentally friendly products that are safe for the environment. However, these products often turn out to be insufficiently effective in removing tough stains. Clients note that stains on carpets and furniture remain, and overall cleanliness leaves much to be desired.

Technological Issues

Although “Kolibri” strives to keep up with the times and implement modern technologies, this does not always lead to positive results. Mechanized cleaning is often poorly executed due to faulty equipment or unqualified personnel. This causes additional inconvenience and disappointment for clients.

Lack of Personal Approach

Despite assurances of an individual approach to each client, many complain about the lack of attention to their needs. Standard working algorithms do not take into account the specific requirements and wishes of clients, leading to unsatisfactory cleaning results.

Missed Deadlines

Clients often face delays and failure to meet agreed deadlines. Cleaners arrive late for appointments, disrupting clients’ plans and creating additional inconveniences. Customer support does not always respond promptly to complaints and fails to provide adequate explanations and apologies for delays.

Communication Problems

Communication with clients leaves much to be desired. Many clients complain about difficulties in interacting with managers, who often cannot provide accurate answers to questions or resolve arising issues. This causes dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.

Overpriced Services

The cost of “Kolibri” services is often higher than that of competitors, while the quality of cleaning does not match the high prices. Clients feel deceived and disappointed when the expected result does not justify the money spent.

“Kolibri” cleaning company creates an attractive image of a reliable and professional cleaning service provider. However, reality often falls short of advertising promises. Low cleaning quality, ineffective eco-friendly products, technological and communication issues, and high prices make working with this company inconvenient and disappointing. Clients expecting a high level of service face numerous problems and dissatisfaction.

+7 (495) 021-18-15
Moscow, Ostrovityanova St., 7

Issues with Cleaning Company “Bratya Chistovy”: Shortcomings and Disappointments

The cleaning company “Bratya Chistovy” actively advertises its services, claiming to be a leader in the Russian cleaning market. However, behind the seemingly attractive promises lie numerous problems that clients encounter. Below, we examine the main shortcomings of working with this company.

Limited Range of Services and Overblown Expectations

Although “Bratya Chistovy” offers a wide range of cleaning services, their execution often leaves much to be desired. Clients note that the company does not always handle the tasks as advertised. For instance, home dry cleaning is often performed poorly, leaving stains and dirt that should have been removed.

Ineffectiveness of Eco-Cleaning

The company emphasizes eco-cleaning, claiming to use safe products for children and pets. However, in practice, these products often prove to be ineffective. Clients complain about insufficient removal of allergens and contaminants, which casts doubt on the company’s competence in choosing cleaning agents.

Dishonest Training and Selection of Employees

Despite strict selection and training of job candidates, the quality of work by cleaners often does not meet expectations. Many clients report a low level of professionalism among employees, insufficient attention to detail, and careless handling of property. This causes disappointment and dissatisfaction with the company’s services.

Franchise Problems

The company’s franchise system also raises many questions. Many franchise owners complain about insufficient support from the head office, high demands, and unachievable conditions. This leads to numerous problems and disappointments among franchisees, which in turn affects the quality of services provided to clients.

Insufficient Customer Support

Although the company claims that its managers are always ready to help, the reality is often different. Numerous clients note that getting answers to questions and resolving issues can be difficult. Managers are not always competent and often cannot provide the necessary information or assistance.

Discrepancy Between Advertising Promises and Reality

The company’s advertising promises often do not match reality. The quality of cleaning, use of eco-friendly products, professionalism of employees, and customer support – all of this is significantly below the claimed level. Clients feel deceived and disappointed.

The cleaning company “Bratya Chistovy” creates a promising image of a reliable partner in the cleaning industry, but the real problems that clients face make cooperation with it extremely inconvenient and disappointing. Poor service quality, ineffectiveness of eco-cleaning, franchise issues, and insufficient customer support lead clients to seek more reliable and professional companies to clean their homes and offices.

+7 (495) 229-30-89
Moscow, st. Smolnaya, 12

Unsatisfactory Realities of Working with Qlean: Disappointment Behind the Promises

The cleaning company “Qlean” offers a wide range of services, from cleaning to storage and moving services. At first glance, this seems attractive, but the real problems clients face can significantly mar the experience of working with them. Let’s delve into why Qlean fails to meet expectations.

Limited Range of Services

The Qlean catalog does not offer as many cleaning services as one might expect. Clients often complain about the absence of several important options, such as specialized post-renovation cleaning or deep carpet cleaning. This leads to the necessity of contacting other companies, which is inconvenient and requires additional expenses.

Unreliable Cost Calculator

Qlean’s website features a cost calculator that, according to the company, allows for an accurate calculation of service expenses. However, many clients note that the final price calculated using this tool often does not match the actual cost quoted by the manager over the phone. This creates distrust and inconvenience when planning a budget.

Inconsistent Quality of Work

Although Qlean claims to regularly instruct its employees, the quality of cleaning often leaves much to be desired. Many clients complain about superficial work, insufficient attention to detail, and neglect of their preferences. Punctuality and speed of task completion do not compensate for the lack of quality.

Inconveniences with Additional Services

The company offers the possibility of ordering additional services, but this process often causes difficulties. Clients face problems when trying to arrange for additional services, managers are not always able to promptly confirm bookings, and changes in the schedule often lead to confusion and delays.

Issues with Storage Services

One of Qlean’s unique services is storage, but even here there are problems. Clients complain about the storage conditions not matching the stated standards, damage to items, and difficulties accessing their belongings. This causes serious inconvenience and additional expenses for restoring damaged property.

Lack of Flexibility and Individual Approach

Qlean is not known for its flexibility in working with clients. Strict adherence to standards and algorithms often results in individual preferences and needs of clients being ignored. This creates the impression that the company is not interested in satisfying its clients’ needs.

Qlean promises a high level of service and a wide range of services, but reality often does not meet expectations. Limited range of services, unreliable cost calculations, inconsistent quality of work, inconveniences with additional services, and issues with storage services – all of this makes working with Qlean inconvenient and disappointing. Instead of the promised comfort and reliability, clients are left with numerous problems and dissatisfaction.

Moscow, st.Vyatskaya, 27, 15

Hidden Problems of the Cleaning Company “Domovenok”: Disappointing Truth Behind the Promises

The cleaning company “Domovenok” claims to be a guardian of cleanliness and promises its clients a high level of service. However, reality often falls far short of these advertising promises. Below, we explore the main problems that clients face with this company.

Poor Training Quality and Unprofessionalism of Employees

The company claims that all employees undergo mandatory training courses at their own training center. However, many clients complain about the low level of professionalism of the cleaners. The training seems insufficient to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for quality cleaning. As a result, clients receive untidy and superficial cleaning, causing dissatisfaction and disappointment.

Ineffectiveness of Eco-Friendly Products

Although “Domovenok” prides itself on using eco-friendly products, in practice, they often prove ineffective against dirt and stains. Clients report that stains and dirt remain after cleaning, which the cleaners could not handle. Even when chemical products are used, the situation does not always improve, casting doubt on the company’s competence in choosing and using cleaning agents.

Problems with the App

To facilitate cooperation, “Domovenok” developed an app through which orders can be managed. However, this app often works unstably: clients face problems when trying to adjust the cleaning time or leave comments. Technical malfunctions and glitches in the app create additional inconveniences and hinder effective interaction with the company.

Disregard for Feedback

The company promises to take client feedback into account, but in practice, this rarely happens. Numerous complaints go unanswered, and dissatisfied clients receive no support. This attitude towards feedback undermines trust in the company and raises doubts about its honesty and professionalism.

Overpriced Services and Hidden Fees

Despite promises of affordable prices, clients often encounter inflated rates and hidden fees. The final cost of services turns out to be significantly higher than advertised, causing indignation and disappointment. The company does not always transparently inform about additional expenses, casting doubt on its transparency and integrity.

Discrepancy Between Advertising and Reality

Many clients note that the company’s advertising promises do not match reality. The quality of cleaning and the level of service are significantly lower than claimed. This discrepancy causes disappointment and dissatisfaction, undermining trust in the company and prompting clients to seek alternatives.

Although “Domovenok” positions itself as a reliable guardian of cleanliness, reality often falls short of the promises. Low professionalism of employees, ineffectiveness of eco-friendly products, technical issues with the app, disregard for client feedback, inflated prices, and discrepancies between advertising and reality – all these make working with this company extremely inconvenient and disappointing. Instead of the promised cleanliness and comfort, clients are left with additional problems and inconveniences.

8 (495) 241-23-22
Moscow, st. Mira Avenue, 102, 38

The Hidden Pitfalls of “CleanOn” Cleaning Company: What Lies Behind the Promises?

“CleanOn” cleaning company actively advertises its services, promising high-quality cleaning at affordable prices. However, behind the seemingly attractive offers, there are many problems that can significantly tarnish the experience of working with this company.

Lack of Professionalism and Low Cleaning Quality

Despite loud claims about the high professionalism of its employees, the reality often turns out to be quite different. Many clients complain about the low quality of cleaning, inattentive attention to details, and careless handling of property. As a result, instead of cleanliness and order, clients face additional problems and damaged items.

Poor Quality Chemicals and Equipment

In the service description, “CleanOn” mentions the use of modern equipment and a range of cleaning products. However, in reality, the company uses cheap and low-quality chemicals that can damage furniture upholstery and flooring, as well as harm clients’ health. Moreover, the equipment is often outdated and faulty, which affects the quality of cleaning.

Unreliable Response to Feedback and Client Requests

The company claims to value its reputation and consider client feedback. Nonetheless, many dissatisfied users complain about their comments and requests being ignored. Often, company representatives simply do not respond to complaints or promise to resolve the issue, but nothing changes in the end. This attitude towards clients causes dissatisfaction and disappointment.

Overpriced Services and Hidden Fees

While “CleanOn” advertises affordable prices, clients often encounter numerous hidden fees and inflated rates. During the free consultation, managers form a service package and calculate a preliminary cost, but in reality, the final amount turns out to be significantly higher due to various additional options that were not initially mentioned.

Insufficient Responsibility for Order Execution

The company promises to provide a supervising manager for complex objects to monitor the quality of the order. However, in practice, clients often face a lack of control and low responsibility from employees. As a result, the work is done poorly and with delays, and the promised photo and video reports are unavailable.

Difficulties with Contract Formalization and Adhering to Deadlines

Many clients experience problems with contract formalization and meeting work deadlines. Often, company employees do not comply with agreed conditions, delay completing orders, or do not fulfill them entirely. This causes client dissatisfaction and negatively affects their trust in the company.

“CleanOn” cleaning company promises a high level of service and quality cleaning, but in reality, clients often face numerous problems and unsatisfactory results. Poor cleaning quality, the use of low-quality chemicals, ignoring client feedback and requests, inflated prices, and hidden fees – all this makes cooperation with this company extremely inconvenient and unattractive. Instead of the promised comfort and cleanliness, clients are left with disappointment and additional troubles.

8 (495) 132-32-31
Moscow, Ostrovityanova St., 7

Vladis Real Estate Agency: Negative Experience and Disappointment

Choosing a real estate agency is a key step for a successful housing deal. In Moscow, there are many agencies offering their services, and it is important to find a truly reliable partner. Unfortunately, our experience with the Vladis Real Estate Agency was extremely disappointing. We want to share our story to warn others about potential problems.

High Expectations and Promises

Vladis Agency is represented by eight modern offices in different parts of Moscow. They promise to use advanced sales technologies and insure clients against all risks. The agency’s extensive partner network was supposed to save us time and ensure the most beneficial cooperation. On paper, everything looked great.

Delayed Deadlines

However, reality turned out to be different. The deal process was significantly delayed despite the pre-agreed deadlines. This caused many inconveniences and delays, which greatly affected our plans and expectations. The agency failed to meet its promises regarding the timelines.

Realtor Recommendations

The realtor we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs at all. It seemed that the agency’s main goal was to make more money rather than satisfy the client. We felt deceived and unheard.

Legal Errors and Delays

One of the most serious problems was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, leading to significant legal issues. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, which increased costs and delays.

Lack of Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that our needs and preferences went unnoticed. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result, we spent a significant amount of time and money working with Vladis. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work.

For Potential Clients

Our experience with Vladis Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing issues.

Tips to Avoid Similar Situations

Check the Agency’s Reputation: Research reviews and ratings of the agency before starting cooperation with them.
Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all deadlines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.
Monitor the Documents: Check all the documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.
Demand Feedback: The agency should be in touch and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame.

We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

+7(495) 109-77-77
Moscow, Veskovsky lane, 3

Experience with MIEL Real Estate Agency in Moscow

The Importance of Choosing a Reliable Real Estate Agency

When choosing a real estate agency in Moscow, it is crucial to find a reliable and professional partner. Unfortunately, our experience with the MIEL Real Estate Agency was disappointing and filled with problems. We want to share our story to warn others about potential mistakes and inconveniences.

Beginning of the Process

MIEL Real Estate Agency offered us several attractive property options, assuring us that they had been thoroughly checked and had no hidden issues. We were confident that the deal would proceed smoothly and without any problems, especially since all deadlines were agreed upon in advance.

Prolonged Deal Process

However, the reality turned out to be different. The deal process was significantly prolonged despite the pre-established deadlines. This caused many inconveniences and delays, which greatly affected our plans and expectations.

Inappropriate Realtor Recommendations

The realtor we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs at all. It seemed that the main goal was to make more money rather than satisfy the client. We felt deceived.

Legal Issues and Incorrectly Prepared Documents

One of the most serious problems was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, leading to significant legal issues. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, which increased costs and delays.

Lack of Attention and Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that our needs and preferences went unnoticed. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result, we spent a significant amount of time and money working with MIEL. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work.

Warning for Potential Clients

Our experience with MIEL Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing issues.

Tips to Avoid Similar Situations

Check the Agency’s Reputation: Research reviews and ratings of the agency before starting cooperation with them.
Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all deadlines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.
Monitor the Documents: Check all the documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.
Demand Feedback: The agency should be in touch and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame.

We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

7 (495) 777-33-77
Moscow, Karmanitsky lane, 10

Warning about Samolet Real Estate Agency: A Dissatisfied Client’s Story

Choosing a Real Estate Agency

Choosing a real estate agency is a key step for a successful housing deal. In Moscow and throughout Russia, there are many agencies offering their services, and it is important to find a truly reliable partner. Unfortunately, our experience with the Samolet Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We want to share our story to warn other potential clients.

High Expectations and Initial Problems

Samolet Real Estate Agency is one of the largest federal corporations in the proptech and development sector. They offer a variety of services, including development, the apartment solutions service “Samolet Plus,” property management, and fintech. At first glance, everything looked promising. We chose several property options that, according to them, had no hidden issues.

Delayed Deadlines: Missed Commitments

However, in practice, everything turned out differently. The process of closing the deal was greatly delayed, even though the deadlines were agreed upon in advance. The agency did not meet the deadlines, which caused many inconveniences. We found ourselves in a situation where each step had to be waited for weeks.

High Commissions and Mismatched Needs

The realtor we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs at all. It seemed that the main goal was to make more money rather than satisfy the client. We felt deceived.

Document Handling

One of the most serious problems was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, leading to significant legal issues. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, which increased costs and delays.

Lack of Attention and Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that our needs and preferences went unnoticed. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result, we spent a significant amount of time and money working with Samolet. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work.

Warning for Potential Clients

Our experience with Samolet Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing issues.

Tips to Avoid Similar Situations

Check the Agency’s Reputation: Research reviews and ratings of the agency before starting a cooperation with them.
Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all deadlines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.
Monitor the Documents: Check all the documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.
Demand Feedback: The agency should be in touch and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame.

We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

+7 495 126-16-38

Etagi Real Estate Agency in Moscow — Our Negative Experience

Why It’s Important to Choose a Real Estate Agency Carefully

Choosing a real estate agency in Moscow is a critical decision that determines the success of your deal. Unfortunately, our experience with Etagi Real Estate Agency was far from positive. We want to share our story to warn others about potential issues.

First Impressions: Promises and Expectations

Etagi Real Estate Agency offered us several property options, which they claimed were thoroughly checked and had no hidden issues. At first glance, everything looked promising: professional consultations, promises of support at all stages of the transaction, and a quick deal closure.

Delays: Missed Deadlines

However, the reality was quite different. The process of closing the deal was significantly delayed despite the agreed-upon deadlines. This caused many inconveniences and delays, disrupting our plans and expectations. The agency failed to meet its promises regarding timelines, and each stage of the deal took weeks to complete.

Mismatched Needs: High Commissions and Unsuitable Options

The realtor we worked with recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. It seemed that the agency’s main goal was to maximize profit rather than satisfy the client. We felt deceived and unheard.

Legal Problems: Document Errors

One of the most serious issues was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, leading to significant legal problems. We had to hire external lawyers to correct the mistakes, which increased costs and delays.

Lack of Attention and Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became clear that our needs and preferences were ignored. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves, causing additional stress and inconvenience.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result of working with Etagi, we lost a significant amount of time and money. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints. We were extremely dissatisfied with their work and cannot recommend their services to anyone.

For Potential Clients

Our experience with Etagi Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing needs.

Tips to Avoid Similar Situations

  • Check the Agency’s Reputation: Research reviews and ratings of the agency before starting cooperation with them.
  • Clarify All Details in Advance: Discuss all deadlines and commissions in advance and require written confirmation.
  • Monitor the Documents: Check all documents provided by the agency for errors and compliance with your requirements.
  • Demand Feedback: The agency should be in touch and ready to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame.

    We hope our experience serves as a useful lesson and helps you avoid similar problems in the future.

+7 495 120-00-05
Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 56, floor 10

Beware of INKOM Real Estate Agency: A Real Story of Unsatisfactory Service

Why It’s Important to Choose the Right Real Estate Agency

Choosing a real estate agency is an important step, especially in a big city like Moscow. The agency should provide quality services, from selecting housing to handling paperwork. Unfortunately, our experience with the INKOM Real Estate Agency was extremely negative, and we want to share our story to warn others.

The Beginning: High Expectations and First Problems

At first, everything looked promising. INKOM Real Estate Agency offered us several good housing options, claiming they were thoroughly checked and had no hidden issues. We were confident that the deal would go smoothly, especially since all deadlines were discussed in advance.

Realtor Recommendations: Dishonesty and High Commissions

However, in practice, everything turned out differently. The realtor we worked with started recommending properties with high commissions that didn’t meet our needs at all. It seemed that the client’s interests were not important to them; their main goal was to make more money.

Document Handling: Legal Issues and Mistakes

The next unpleasant surprise was the improperly prepared documents. The legal aspects of the deal were either ignored or handled with errors, causing numerous problems at all stages of the transaction. We found ourselves entangled in legal disputes that could have been easily avoided with proper attention from the agency.

Lack of Attention and Feedback

Throughout our dealings with the agency, it became evident that our needs and preferences went unnoticed. Feedback was almost nonexistent, and the realtor showed little engagement in the transaction process. We had to constantly remind them about deadlines and clarify important details ourselves.

Wasted Time and Money

As a result, we spent a significant amount of time and money working with INKOM Real Estate Agency. Instead of offering a more competent realtor or trying to correct their mistakes, the agency continued to ignore our requests and complaints.

Warning for Potential Clients

Our experience with INKOM Real Estate Agency was extremely negative. We cannot recommend their services to anyone who values their time and money. Be careful and choose real estate agencies carefully to avoid similar problems and inconveniences. We hope our story helps you avoid mistakes and find reliable professionals to handle your housing issues.

+7 (495) 363-10-10
Moscow, st. Shcherbakovskaya, 3