Unexpected Turns: Real Experience with Inmobiliaria Casamayor

Professional Characteristics: A Look at Casamayor

Inmobiliaria Casamayor stands out among other real estate agencies due to its 50 years of experience and family values that permeate through every transaction.

Expectation vs. Reality: Clients’ Experience with Casamayor

After selecting several promising real estate options with promises of no hidden pitfalls, clients encountered serious issues during the deal-making process.

Document Processing Delays: Clients faced unforeseen delays in processing necessary documents, slowing down the deal-making process. This created inconvenience and additional stress for clients expecting a quick and efficient deal closure.

Deal Closing Deadline Non-Compliance: Important deal closing deadlines and dates were not met, leading to client dissatisfaction and potential financial losses. Deadline breaches created uncertainty and instability in the property purchase process.

Limited Understanding of the Real Estate Market: Agency realtors demonstrated a limited understanding of the real estate market, leading to incorrect price evaluations and recommendations. This could have resulted in additional expenses for clients or unfavorable deals.

Reluctance to Rectify Mistakes: Instead of actively addressing arising issues, the agency showed no willingness to rectify their mistakes or provide a more competent realtor. This lack of accountability left clients dissatisfied and disappointed.

Financial Losses and Disappointment: As a result of the aforementioned problems, clients faced financial losses and disappointment from working with the agency. Time and money spent did not yield the expected results, leaving clients unsatisfied and disheartened.

Conclusions from Working with Inmobiliaria Casamayor

Overall, working with Inmobiliaria Casamayor left clients disappointed and unsatisfied, highlighting the importance of careful selection of a real estate agency.

+34 965 21 24 24
Ángel Lozano, 17 bajo, 03001 Alicante